You deserve a fresh business strategy and plan of action
A rowhouse may put you in the location you want to be, but the couch you love may not fit the floorplan. We don't pre-package our services because your definition of success is unique to you. Our engagement will be a customized combination from:
Assessment of Finances & Operations
Planning, development, and implementation
Tool creation and weekly reporting
Coaching & Development
We'll begin with a conversation of what your goals are and how you define success. You'll get a tailored proposal for a plan of action and the side-by-side support that fit the complexity of your organization.

Get more financial context than from the accountant that may be just charged with doing your taxes, and more detail than the reporting you receive from your bookkeeper. The CFO lives inside your business, so you don't have to.
Plan confidently for growth, for adding staff, investing in equipment, or adding general expenses
Understand weekly operations dashboards detailing current progress with comparisons
Receive a monthly financial review of money due and money owed, as well as reporting on trends
Review your budget with analysis, explanations, and recommendations where applicable
Build living financial models to streamline planning and make sensible projections
Produce professional reporting documents specific to your needs, and more

Find the balance between the value of what you have and what you need to give up
Break the cycle of frenetic days and sleepless nights by empowering your workforce with the freedom and structure to solve problems on their own. Although we're hardwired as entrepreneurs to control our environments, the inability to give up a healthy portion of that control is what keeps us from growing with grace.
Increase independence by coordinating job descriptions, systems, and policies - provide clear direction for staff, as well as the necessary boundaries that preserve trust in their decisions
Provide the authority that matches the job responsibilities so staff can spend money or deviate from procedure to solve a challenge for themselves or for a customer
Eliminate frictions and dramas that are de-motivating to you and to your workforce
Share experiences through coaching to get perspective and context for understanding roles, the big picture, and more